
American Gotland Sheep Society

Supporting the Growth of Gotland Sheep Across the US

The American Gotland Sheep Society is working hard to help this amazing creature grab a foothold in the United States. Our members are dedicated to helping Goland sheep expand throughout the country and the continent. Since 2003, we’ve been using artificial insemination to upbreed nine accepted foundation breeds.

We hope that you enjoy this website, and that as a result you’ll want to find out more about Gotland sheep and meet some of their owners. We’re more than happy to help you discover the wonderful world of Gotland sheep. We invite you to join us on this exciting adventure!

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Become an American Gotland Sheep Society Member

Membership in the American Gotland Sheep Society includes the right to record and register animals with us and to be listed in our breeder listing.

Anyone who owns or has an interest in Gotland sheep can become a member of AGSS.

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